"Sido" is 104

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Centenarian Sidora "Sido" Alexander of Dubique turned 104th  on Friday, July 29.  

A few NCCU staff members journeyed to Dubique on Friday afternoon to shower Sido with  gifts and spend some time with her. They  joined caregivers, relatives and  friends in  a small celebration for yet another year of grace and longevity for the centenarian.  Sido was alert and appeared  to enjoy the company and attention.  

Sido was "adopted" by the Roseau Co-operative Credit Union Ltd  (RCCU) in 2008. NCCU has honored the arrangement which was in place for her  support . 


Sido joins the toast in celebration of her 104th birthday

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Sido and Caregiver, granddaughter, Antonia sido and staff.jpg


NCCU Staff Members with Sido

